Fort Bend ISD is an exciting educational community where our students excel in all academic subjects while learning to become responsible and ethical individuals.
FBEF donated funds to assist the FBISD Skyward inDisructibles team compete at the Destination Imagination Global Finals tournament. Students participate by solving open-ended academic challenges while developing creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills.
Career and Technical Education
FBISD’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) program offers challenging career pathways through real world experiences that develop students’ skill sets, attitudes and beliefs. Students explore programs of study ranging from culinary arts to health science while also gaining hands-on experience through guest speakers, internships and job shadowing opportunities. Industry certifications as well as dual credit are often available with certain CTE courses of study.
James Reese Career and Technical Center provides advanced CTE programming for 11 of the district’s high schools. Students may drive themselves or use district transportation to attend classes at Reese for part of their day while remaining active members on their respective campuses.
Students also have an outstanding opportunity to operate the Enterprise Learning Labs, a business incubator which serves the Fort Bend community while also offering educational programs to Elementary and Middle School students.
Fine Arts
Every FBISD student benefits from a high-quality visual arts education centered around self-expression and process, with each campus hosting an art trained specialist to facilitate learning and foster studio habits of mind. Visual arts classes follow Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) curriculum which offers opportunities for building artistic competencies while cultivating creative thinking processes and flexible forms of thinking.
The District offers courses in performing and visual arts including dance, band, choir, orchestra and theatre. Students have opportunities to compete at local, regional and state competitions; performing ensembles are consistently recognized for excellence such as Clements High Jazz Orchestra winning Reserve Grand Championship at Houston Rodeo and School Arts Show 2022; Bush High Band being named State Contest Champions 6A 2022 and Kempner High Theatre winning UIL One Act Play contest multiple times over.
Fine arts classes foster character formation, student leadership development and life-long learning through collaborative engagement among classmates. Furthermore, fine arts classes encourage teamwork and responsibility among its participants as students learn to rely on one another in achieving organizational goals.
Whole Child Health Initiative
Students flourish when their environment is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenging – traits which form part of the five ASCD Whole Child Tenets.
FBISD provides many services designed to ensure students are physically, socially, emotionally and mentally prepared for learning. These include school-based health education that promotes healthy behaviors; School Age Parenting Program which offers support services for pregnant and parenting students; and Connections which connects students to district programs and resources.
Fort Bend ISD hosted a parent webinar to better understand the financial repercussions of implementing FCU4Health, with emphasis placed upon physical health as it pertains to whole child wellness and its relationship. Now available for viewing by clicking below, this presentation emphasized physical wellness and connected it with whole child wellness – click below now to watch!
Community Engagement
Community engagement is a strategic approach to relationships, communication and involvement that seeks to develop trust between relationships, communications and engagement to build sustainable outcomes. Sometimes referred to as stakeholder engagement or public participation, it essentially boils down to connecting with your community – understanding its concerns and aspirations while developing mutually beneficial relationships between members of both.
The Carnegie Foundation defines community-engaged scholarship, research and teaching as three essential elements: (1) enriching scholarship; (2) addressing critical societal issues; and (3) creating educated citizens committed to civic responsibility.
An effective community engagement strategy provides opportunities to inform communities of your work, gather input from them and collaborate together on finding solutions. Furthermore, it makes stakeholders feel like partners rather than bystanders – increasing support for your cause by creating partnerships rather than bystanders in your cause and thus encouraging increased investment from them in your cause. This is particularly valuable in communities with low trust levels – offering various methods of engaging can help overcome challenges such as time, language or location barriers and foster relationships among stakeholders that may otherwise remain distant from one another.