The water heater is easily one of the most important pieces of technology in every house. Without a well-functioning water heater, your winter can become unbearable. Whether you think about showering or even washing the dishes, a water heater is essential.
However, the water heater has an expiry date like all machines. If it’s not replaced in time, it can damage the plumbing in your house, cause utility bills to rise, and cause avoidable skin conditions, among other things.
Therefore, you should hire a plumber to maintain your water heater and check out the following signs to know when to replace the machine.
The Hot Water Isn’t Clean
The first and easiest to spot sign of an old water heater is unclean hot water. When the piece of machinery starts to get up there in age, dirt, mineral, and other stuff can gather in the water heater and flow through your pipes. This can also damage your home’s plumbing and the taps.
Therefore, you should think about replacing the water heater if the hot water is coming out dirty, rusty, or not coming out at all.
The Water Heater Is Leaky
Since the water heater is a machine that stores and heats water throughout its life, it can sometimes have leakage problems.
There is no question that leaks are a bad thing. If you see any leaks or puddles forming around the water heater, you should first take a look at the pipes coming in and leaving the water heater. Sometimes the problem can be the plumbing instead of the heater.
If it is the water heater, you can get water heater system maintenance to solve the problem. They will let you know if the issue can be fixed or if it will be better to buy a new one altogether.
Water Isn’t As Hot As It Should Be
As the water heater starts to age, it might not perform its function as well as it should be performing. Therefore, it is possible that the water might not be as hot as it should be with an old water heater.
Before buying a new one, you can check out the temperature settings on the water heater. If there is no hot water even at the highest setting, you can call a professional to see if something can be done. However, there isn’t much to do when the heating element burns out.
Too Many Repairs
Sometimes the problem can be too many repairs. When you first bought the water heater, everything was set and adjusted by the manufacturer. With each repair, the professionals replace things, open parts, and move things around. After too many repairs, it will just lose its ability to function properly.
Therefore, you should consider buying a new water heater if your current one has been repaired too many times.
It Has Been Over a Decade
Since your water heater is a machine, you can’t expect it to run for decades. The mechanics of the machine start to give out after a certain period. After all, how else will the water heater manufacturers make money?
If your water heater has lasted over a decade, you should get it checked as soon as possible. At this point, it will probably need a good amount of maintenance to squeeze a couple more years or it will need to be replaced.
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